Dirty Bassline (filmed & edited by LdashD - Street Performers)
Slick Like a T'ing (filmed & edited by LdashD - Experience the Grimey Streets of London)
Wrap it in Clingedy Clingy (filmed & edited by LdashD - Immerse yourself in the vibrant streets of London)
Look Whos Merky Now (filmed & edited by LdashD - A rainy day in London)
Choke on the Vape (filmed & edited by LdashD dcumenting Graffiti Art in London / Brick Lane)
Special People (Blood of Ukraine) Video on Youtube
Special People (Blood of Ukraine). This heart-wrenching video forms part of LdashD's Art Project in support of the people of Ukraine.
Special People (Heartbeat of Ukraine). This heart-wrenching graffiti collage forms part of LdashD's Art Project in support of Ukraine. Requires to login to any google accounts, as Youtube rated 18+
We Stil Dance (Office VIdeo). Filmed in and around Brick Lane, Spitalfields Market. This video is a lively entertaining slice of contemporary London, encapsulating the greatest multi-cultural city in the world in all it's glory and wonder.
BestLife (Office VIdeo). The opening jangly Gibson guitar riff followed by a smooth Fender bass line, (both vintage instruments,) speaks volumes about how the rich, amazingly diverse legacy of past songsmiths has been surreptitiously sown into LdashD's work, especially when the guitar morphs into a classic aggressive old school power chord supporting role behind the modern gentle synth hook.
LdashD - Ganja Man (official video). Filmed exclusively on the streets of Shoreditch, Spitalfields Market, Brick Lane & Camden using various handheld Canon & Sony compact cameras down several years, then edited down in PremierePro to suit my music.
LdashD v Snoop Dogg's Remix of 'That Tree'. The film was edited down from BBC footage of Snoop's performance at the 2010 Glastonbury Festival.
LdashD v Barry Manilows Remix of Everything's Gonna Be Alright - Filmed wicked Brazilian dance group called, Brazilliant, in the East End of London and edited the clips to suit my remix.
LdashD v Peter Gabrielemix Remix of 'Couldn't Give A Monkey's'
Youtube Video Channels: 1. LDASHD - 2. GLOBALWARNING